55% less water
reduce the water consumption of soaking,hence reduce effluent output, by detecting cow’s visit.
Soaking cows during hot summer months will bring benefits. It reduces the impact of heat stress on the cows, improve their health and comfort, and increase milk production for farmers.
However, regular soaking practices can result in massive wastage of water, which will bring farmer a long bill due to the extra amount of manure slurry .
To help solve this problem, we are offering the latest development of motion-sensing soaking controllers for dairy farming. These controllers have integrated nozzles that are triggered by the presence of cows, which avoids the wastage of water when cows are not present. This motion-sensing technology can help you save more than 55% of water that is typically used during regular soaking practices.
In addition, you have the option to continue using your existing soaking
controller or upgrade it with the optional BARNEYE IoT controller (Mini-C Plus). The latter will help you manage your pasture more comprehensively, conveniently, and intelligently.
55% less water
reduce the water consumption of soaking,Plug and play design
With customized cable with fast connect plugs, the wholeIot upgradable
can choose to keep your existing soaking control orEast Rock Farm Technologies Co.,Ltd.
Room 1508 - 1511 , Building C , Focus Square,No. 6 Fu Tong Dong Da Jie, Wang Jing,Chao Yang District , Beijing, 100102, China
Tel: +86 10 84785056
Fax: +86 10 64378717
Email: eastrockfarmtech@eastrock.cc